Tuesday, January 31, 2012

LOAD 212

If you haven't already signed up for Lain Ehmann's latest event, head on over to her site to sign up.  The LOAD 212 event starts tomorrow so don't delay.

For $30.00, here's what you get:
-29 daily prompts on the topic of Past Perfect: Looking Back to Look Forward
-29 daily videos
-Private message board
-Private gallery
-Interviews with cool scrappy folk (guest stars announced soon!)
-Inspiration, fun, and companionship galore!

I doubt that I will get a layout done each day in February, but whatever I get done will be more than I have done now!!  So, join me in taking this class.  I have taken one of Lain's TrueScrap classes and it was fabulous, so I expect that this will be great too!
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Better Late Than Never

So, I’m finally getting around to posting some Christmas cards that I made.  I took the pictures with my iPhone so they may not be the best quality.

I got the idea for the reindeer card from Nichol Magouirk. Mine is slightly different, but I loved her version so much that I did not deviate that much from it.  The reindeer was downloaded from the Silhouette online store.


These next three cards are using designs from Kerri Bradford Designs. I love her stuff!! I will soon be buying more designs from her.




This last card is using a design that I downloaded from the Silhouette online store.  I thought the little snowman was so cute!!


I am hoping that I can eventually get InLinkz setup so that I can start linking all the products that I use.  Let’s just suffice it to say that my Cameo got a great workout making these cards, and I have been using it all the time!!  It is one of the best investments I have ever made when it comes to scrapbooking/cardmaking.

Well, thanks for looking!  I hope to be more active on my blog this year and post more projects.  Yes, I said the same thing last year and it didn’t happen, but I am really trying to make it happen this year.  What can I say…life is busy!!!

Update: I got InLinkz setup tonight!!!  Yahoo!

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