Monday, September 16, 2013


It has been quite some time since my last post.  It has also been quite some time since I last scrapbooked.  My life got a bit crazy and I decided to take a break from things.  During that time, I had another child and life got even crazier!  After she was 3 months old, I went back to work and life was in full blown chaos.  Things have not calmed down but I'm trying to get back into some creative things.  Oh, I also forgot to mention that we moved to a new house during all this chaos but we still own our other house.  We will hopefully be selling the old house soon.  We created a lot of great memories in that old house.  It was our first house.  We had three greyhounds and two children over the years in that house.

I have decided that even if I don't have time to create because of all the chaos in my life, I still need to document the important things that are happening.  I need to just be able to let it all out when need be.  It doesn't matter if I'm the only one reading it.  I need to do this because I want to remember these things that are truly important to me -- the things that will take my breath away when I think back to them.  The things that bring tears to my eyes when I remember.  Or if I find myself in the situation that I can't remember anymore, my kids will be able to show me this.  And, maybe, just maybe I'll remember all the things that made me happy.

I am rethinking what is really important to me in this life because at the end of the day, I do not want to be remembered as the grouchy, overstressed, overstretched mom.  I had a friend with a mother that was constantly yelling.  It made me nervous!  I can understand why she was that way now that I'm an adult with responsibilities, but I don't want to be that way.  That is not how I want my kids or their friends to remember me.  Right now, I don't have much time to myself.  That is part of my problem.  It feels like someone always wants something from me.  I am trying to take back my Fridays since it is my day off from work.  Hopefully, this will help me to feel like I exist as a person again until I get to take more time for myself.  And, that time will be soon....
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